The Golden Age

Floating AdmiralThis page is to collect my reviews of books from authors from the Golden Age. I’m stretching things a bit in terms of the definition – basically, if they wrote some books in the Golden Age, then I’ll list all of their books here. I’m also going to include US authors who are sometimes overlooked when the Golden Age is concerned.

Golden Age authors with their own pages (due to me reviewing a lot of their books):

The Detection Club

Margery Allingham

Delano Ames

Anthony Armstrong

Lois Austen-Leigh

H C Bailey

Francis Beeding

Josephine Bell

George Bellairs

Anthony Berkeley

Nicholas Blake

John & Emery Bonett

Anthony Boucher

Dorothy Bowers

Christianna Brand

Herbert Brean

Gwen Bristow and Bruce Manning

Douglas G Browne

Leo Bruce

John Bude

Miles Burton aka John Rhode

Christopher Bush

John Dickson Carr

Agatha Christie

V C Clinton-Baddeley

Belton Cobb

G D H & M Cole

J J Connington

George Harmon Coxe

Edmund Crispin

Freeman Wills Crofts

Guy Cullingford

Moray Dalton

Elizabeth Daly

Augusto De Angelis

Todd Downing

Francis Duncan

J Jefferson Farjeon

Nigel Fitzgerald

Brian Flynn

Robin Forsythe

R Austin Freeman

Erle Stanley Gardner

Anthony Gilbert

Michael Gilbert

Elizabeth Gill

Bruce Graeme

C W Grafton

Leonard Gribble

Dashiell Hammett

Henrietta Hamilton

Cyril Hare

Mavis Doriel Hay

Annie Haynes

Donald Henderson

Richard Hull

Michael Innes

Ianthe Jerrold

Baynard Kendrick

Milward Kennedy

Robert Knox

W H Lane Crauford

Marcel Lanteaume

E C R Lorac

Philip MacDonald

Helen McCloy

Ernest McReay

Ngaio Marsh

Alan Melville

Anne Meredith

Gladys Mitchell

Max Murray

Beverley Nichols

Stuart Palmer

Rupert Penny

Tyline Perry

W Shepard Pleasants

Martin Porlock (see also Philip MacDonald)

E R Punshon

Ellery Queen

Patrick Quentin

Hugh Pentecost

B G Quin

E & M A Radford

Virginia Rath

Clayton Rawson

John Rhode

Craig Rice

Mary Roberts Rinehart

Joel Townsley Rogers

James Ronald

Theodore Roscoe

John Rowland

Harriet Rutland

George Sanders

Dorothy L Sayers

Mabel Seeley

Peter Shaffer

Derek Smith

Shelley Smith

Christopher St John Sprigg

Jonathan Stagge

Rex Stout

Jonathan Stephen Strange

Julian Symons

Hake Talbot

Phoebe Atwood Taylor

Josephine Tey

Molly Thynne

Franco Vallati

S S Van Dine

Robert Van Gulik

Francis Vivian

Henry Wade

Carolyn Wells

Patricia Wentworth

Ethel Lina White

Cecil M Wills

Clifford Witting

Barbara Worsley-Gough

Anthony Wynne

Seishi Yokomizo

Short Stories